RevLNG is a supplier of liquefied natural gas (LNG) based in Northern Pennsylvania with a Northeastern US regional reach, including all of Pennsylvania and the rest of EMS CONSULTING’s service area. RevLNG compresses natural gas into a cryogenic liquid that is compact and easy to transport over the road with their fleet of tankers. RevLNG delivers LNG to your facility where it can be used to fuel your fleet, heat your building, provide process heat to your manufacturing processes or all of the above.
Don’t have the infrastructure to support the use of LNG? No worries. RevLNG will design, install, start up, commission and own a system that will enable you to receive LNG deliveries, store LNG, decompress it to the density needed for your fleet (compressed natural gas) or for your facility (gaseous natural gas – the same that comes to you or your neighbors by pipeline so it works with your boilers and other heating units) or, if you desire, both. You have no up-front costs and own the system after the terms of the contract expire – or continue with RevLNG ownership forever if you prefer.
Not near a natural gas pipeline? RevLNG is the perfect company to partner with to avoid the cost and pollution of burning fuel oil. RevLNG will install a system that you can connect to your heating units and rely on them because of RevLNG’s reliable LNG deliveries that keep your operation running, even in the most challenging of weather conditions.
Have an interruptible gas service and want to consider options other than #6 or #2 fuel oil for back up? You’re not alone. This is an option you should consider. Since recent winters have been colder and the natural gas companies have been signing residential users up at a torrid pace, they are more likely now to interrupt your service than any time in the past. Again, RevLNG will design, install, start up and commission a system that will enable you to receive LNG deliveries, store LNG and decompress it to the density that is identical to the natural gas in your pipeline.
EMS CONSULTING has an agency rep agreement with RevLNG for these systems and the LNG they deliver. Want to know more? Call us. To connect to the RevLNG website, click here.