Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Audits, Implementations Assistance, Training and More

EMS CONSULTING’s energy services are both extensive and, as required, detailed. To learn about each, click on the links below.

Energy Audits

There are 3 levels of audits available. ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers, spells out each type. We’ll help you decide which is best for you and perform it for you.

These assessments evaluate opportunities for energy-efficiency improvements for the building and its energy-consuming equipment.  They also address energy conservation – ways to save energy by turning off lights and equipment when not in use.

ASHRAE Level 1 assessments (audits) are also known as walk-through assessments. We will perform a Level 1 assess, either as a stand-alone assessment, or as a prelude to a more extensive energy assessment. This assessment will identify and roughly prioritizing the energy performance opportunities of your facility into one of 3 categories – 1) “Low Hanging Fruit” (easy and inexpensive to address), 2) Mid-level (cost money to implement, but inexpensive and typically implemented out of your operating budget) and 3) Capital intensive (requires capital dollars to implement and provides a return on investment for doing so Level 1 assessments are followed with a brief report.
EMS CONSULTING’s more in-depth audit – ASHRAE Level 2 – would utilize energy bill data, energy consumption and electrical demand data and might utilize an advanced energy calculator and production data to determine the facility’s energy intensity and opportunities for improvement. It could also use data we collect with instrumentation we apply to your facility, including data loggers and infrared cameras.
Level 2 audits are more in-depth and require a fair amount of data collection and evaluation. They include estimated returns on investment (ROI) and paybacks for all implementation recommendations, whether they require operating or capital investments or not.
EMS CONSULTING’s more in-depth audit – ASHRAE Level 3 – would utilize energy bill data, energy consumption and electrical demand data and might utilize an advanced energy calculator and production data to determine the facility’s energy intensity and opportunities for improvement. It could also use data we collect with instrumentation we apply to your facility, including data loggers and infrared cameras.

Level 3 audits are the most in-depth and require much data collection and evaluation. They include calculations of returns on investment (ROI) and paybacks for all implementation recommendations, whether they require operating or capital investments or not. The calculations utilize advanced engineering formulas. The payback and ROI calculations are based on expert knowledge of and often quotations for replacement energy equipment.

Advanced energy measurement is often utilized, although not always necessary. These measurements include sophisticated devices such as ultrasound detectors, Doppler-effect sensors, data loggers and infrared cameras to gather extensive added data. This data is analyzed to create a “current energy state”, against which replacement energy-consuming equipment and systems are compared.

A financial analysis sophisticated enough to justify project financing, including bank loans, is provided in an extensive end-of-project report.


Energy Implementation Assistance

At EMS CONSULTING, we can assist you with implementing the energy performance improvement opportunities we find during our audits.

Energy Training

Training is available both generally to your cross-functional green team members and specifically to your maintenance personnel on topics such as HVAC-systems, compressed air systems, motors, energy calculators and renewables to instill effective energy efficiency and conservation knowledge

Contact us to determine how EMS CONSULTING can audit / assess your facility and improve your efficiency and conserve energy. We’ll provide training as needed and provide implementation assistance if and when necessary. You’ll be surprised with our sophistication in doing so, the benefits you will receive and their associated cost reductions.

Regulatory Compliance


Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Management Systems


Materials, Clean and Lean Manufacturing
Sustainability and Green
